Package rst.hri

Human–robot interaction is the study of interactions between humans and robots. It is often referred as HRI by researchers.

This package contains data type definitions related to human-robot interaction.

See also

Wikipedia article containing the definition above


digraph message_graph {
  node [fontsize=11]
  node [fontname="Arial"]
  edge [fontsize=11]
  edge [fontname="Arial"]
  "1" [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.LegsList" TITLE="Structure rst.hri.LegsList" TARGET="_parent"><TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><IMG SRC="../_static/message.svg" /></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">LegsList</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs" TITLE="Structure rst.hri.Legs" TARGET="_parent">Legs</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.LegsList.list" TITLE="Field rst.hri.LegsList.list" TARGET="_parent" PORT="list">list</TD></TR></TABLE>>,shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="white"];
  "2" [label=<<TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD COLSPAN="2" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs" TITLE="Structure rst.hri.Legs" TARGET="_parent"><TABLE BORDER="0"><TR><TD ALIGN="RIGHT"><IMG SRC="../_static/message.svg" /></TD><TD ALIGN="LEFT">Legs</TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-__rosetta-FLOAT32.html#FLOAT32" TITLE="Fundamental FLOAT32" TARGET="_parent">FLOAT32</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs.angle" TITLE="Field rst.hri.Legs.angle" TARGET="_parent" PORT="angle">angle</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-__rosetta-FLOAT32.html#FLOAT32" TITLE="Fundamental FLOAT32" TARGET="_parent">FLOAT32</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs.angle_variance" TITLE="Field rst.hri.Legs.angle_variance" TARGET="_parent" PORT="angle_variance">angle_variance</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-__rosetta-FLOAT32.html#FLOAT32" TITLE="Fundamental FLOAT32" TARGET="_parent">FLOAT32</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs.distance" TITLE="Field rst.hri.Legs.distance" TARGET="_parent" PORT="distance">distance</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-__rosetta-FLOAT32.html#FLOAT32" TITLE="Fundamental FLOAT32" TARGET="_parent">FLOAT32</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs.distance_variance" TITLE="Field rst.hri.Legs.distance_variance" TARGET="_parent" PORT="distance_variance">distance_variance</TD></TR><TR><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-__rosetta-BOOL.html#BOOL" TITLE="Fundamental BOOL" TARGET="_parent">BOOL</TD><TD ALIGN="left" HREF="../generated/stable/package-rst-hri.html#rst.hri.Legs.pair" TITLE="Field rst.hri.Legs.pair" TARGET="_parent" PORT="pair">pair</TD></TR></TABLE>>,shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="white"];
  "1":list -> "2" [];

clearer: should be made invisible via css

Message LegsList

class rst.hri.LegsList

A collection of <Could not resolve reference to Legs> .

Code author: Phillip Luecking <>

Type :array of rst.hri.Legs

Empty collection of legs is allowed. The order of leg objects is not significant.

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message LegsList {

     * Empty collection of legs is allowed.
     * The order of leg objects is not significant.
    repeated hri.Legs list = 1;


Message Legs

class rst.hri.Legs

A representation of a pair of legs (or a single leg).

The pair field indicates whether this object has been merged with another object of the same type into a representation of a pair of legs.

The values stored in angle and distance are as perceived from the robot.

Code author: Phillip Luecking <>

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: radian

The angle of the leg(s) as perceived by the robot’s sensor.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: radian

The variance of the angle.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The distance between the robot’s sensor and the leg(s).

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: meter

The variance of the distance.

Type :BOOL

Indicates whether or not this object consists of two merged Legs.

If true, merging is no longer possible.

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message Legs {

     * The angle of the leg(s) as perceived by the robot's sensor.
    // @unit(radian)
    required float angle = 1;

     * The variance of the @ref .angle.
    // @unit(radian)
    required float angle_variance = 2;

     * The distance between the robot's sensor and the leg(s).
    // @unit(meter)
    required float distance = 3;

     * The variance of the @ref .distance.
    // @unit(meter)
    required float distance_variance = 4;

     * Indicates whether or not this object consists of two merged Legs.
     * If true, merging is no longer possible.
    required bool pair = 5;


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