Package rst.kinematics

Not documented


Message JointPositionState

class rst.kinematics.JointPositionState

Joint position data of a robot seen from its head.


What does that mean?

Code author: TODO

Type :array of rst.kinematics.JointState

Not documented

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message JointPositionState {

    repeated JointState joints = 1;


Message SpatialAccelerations

class rst.kinematics.SpatialAccelerations

Twist representation of Cartesian velocities.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :rst.kinematics.LinearAccelerations

3-dimensional translatory accelerations.

Type :rst.kinematics.AngularAccelerations

3-dimensional rotatory accelerations.

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message SpatialAccelerations {

     * 3-dimensional translatory accelerations.
    required LinearAccelerations linear = 1;

     * 3-dimensional rotatory accelerations.
    required AngularAccelerations angular = 2;


Message AngularAccelerations

class rst.kinematics.AngularAccelerations

Cartesian 3-dimensional rotational accelerations.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :FLOAT32

Acceleration around the x axis. @unit(rad / second^2)

Type :FLOAT32

Acceleration around the y axis. @unit(rad / second^2)

Type :FLOAT32

Acceleration around the z axis. @unit(rad / second^2)

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message AngularAccelerations {

     * Acceleration around the x axis.
    // @unit(rad / second^2)
    required float a = 1;

     * Acceleration around the y axis.
    // @unit(rad / second^2)
    required float b = 2;

     * Acceleration around the z axis.
    // @unit(rad / second^2)
    required float c = 3;


Message LinearAccelerations

class rst.kinematics.LinearAccelerations

Cartesian 3-dimensional translatory velocities.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory acceleration along the x axis. @unit(meter / second^2)

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory acceleration along the y axis. @unit(meter / second^2)

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory acceleration along the z axis. @unit(meter / second^2)

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message LinearAccelerations {

     * Translatory acceleration along the x axis.
    // @unit(meter / second^2)
    required float x = 1;

     * Translatory acceleration along the y axis.
    // @unit(meter / second^2)
    required float y = 2;

     * Translatory acceleration along the z axis.
    // @unit(meter / second^2)
    required float z = 3;


Message JointVelocities

class rst.kinematics.JointVelocities

A sequence of joint velocities of multiple joints.

Code author: Arne Nordmann <>

Type :array of FLOAT32

Unit: rad-per-second

Joint velocities

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message JointVelocities {

     * Joint velocities
    // @unit(rad-per-second)
    repeated float velocities = 1 [packed=true];


Message ProprioceptionState

class rst.kinematics.ProprioceptionState

Proprioceptive (joint) data of a robot.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

@deprecated “This type has been deprecated in favor of <Could not resolve reference to rst.kinematics.JointAngles> and <Could not resolve reference to rst.devices.”>

Type :array of rst.kinematics.JointState

Not documented

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message ProprioceptionState {

    repeated JointState joints = 1;


Message JointState

class rst.kinematics.JointState

A message that contains data about one joint of a robot.

Code author: TODO

@deprecated This type has been deprecated in favor of rst.kinematics.JointAngles and rst.devices.


TODO ASCII name of the joint

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: TODO

A value representing the joint’s position.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: TODO

Stiffness of the joint.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: TODO

The value sent as the last command.

Type :FLOAT32

Unit: degree-celsius

The temperature of the joint.

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message JointState {

     * TODO ASCII name of the joint
    required bytes name = 1;

     * A value representing the joint's position.
    // @unit(TODO)
    required float value = 2;

     * Stiffness of the joint.
    // @unit(TODO)
    optional float stiffness = 3;

     * The value sent as the last command.
    // @unit(TODO)
    optional float command = 4;

     * The temperature of the joint.
    // @unit(degree-celsius)
    optional float temperature = 5;


Message Twist

class rst.kinematics.Twist

Twist representation of Cartesian velocities.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :rst.kinematics.LinearVelocities

3-dimensional translatory velocities.

Type :rst.kinematics.AngularVelocities

3-dimensional rotatory velocities.

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message Twist {

     * 3-dimensional translatory velocities.
    required LinearVelocities linear = 1;

     * 3-dimensional rotatory velocities.
    required AngularVelocities angular = 2;


Message AngularVelocities

class rst.kinematics.AngularVelocities

Cartesian 3-dimensional rotational velocities.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :FLOAT32

Velocity around the x axis. @unit(rad / second)

Type :FLOAT32

Velocity around the y axis. @unit(rad / second)

Type :FLOAT32

Velocity around the z axis. @unit(rad / second)

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message AngularVelocities {

     * Velocity around the x axis.
    // @unit(rad / second)
    required float a = 1;

     * Velocity around the y axis.
    // @unit(rad / second)
    required float b = 2;

     * Velocity around the z axis.
    // @unit(rad / second)
    required float c = 3;


Message LinearVelocities

class rst.kinematics.LinearVelocities

Cartesian 3-dimensional translatory velocities.

Code author: Johannes Wienke <>

Code author: Leon Ziegler <>

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory velocity along the x axis. @unit(meter / second)

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory velocity along the y axis. @unit(meter / second)

Type :FLOAT32

Translatory velocity along the z axis. @unit(meter / second)

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message LinearVelocities {

     * Translatory velocity along the x axis.
    // @unit(meter / second)
    required float x = 1;

     * Translatory velocity along the y axis.
    // @unit(meter / second)
    required float y = 2;

     * Translatory velocity along the z axis.
    // @unit(meter / second)
    required float z = 3;


Message Posture3DFloat

class rst.kinematics.Posture3DFloat

A set of positions forming a posture of an articulated thing.

The kinematic structure, which in most cases is required for a useful interpretation, has to be transmitted through other channels.

Code author: Jan Moringen <>

Type :array of rst.geometry.Translation

Sequence of joint positions in three-dimensional space.

Interpretation depends on information transmitted trough other channels.

The order of entries is significant since the interpretations of individual positions depends on their respective position within the sequence.

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message Posture3DFloat {

     * Sequence of joint positions in three-dimensional space.
     * Interpretation depends on information transmitted trough other
     * channels.
     * The order of entries is significant since the interpretations
     * of individual positions depends on their respective position
     * within the sequence.
    repeated geometry.Translation position = 2;


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