Package rst.timing

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Message Point2DTimeseries

class rst.timing.Point2DTimeseries

An ordered list of pairs each consisting of a timestamp and a 2D point.

Code author: Agnes Swadzba <>

Type:array of rst.timing.Point2DTimestampPair

Constraint: for i from 0 below (len(value) - 1) value[i].timestamp.time < value[i+1].timestamp.time end

Entries are sorted in increasing order of the timestamp field.

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message Point2DTimeseries {

     * Entries are sorted in increasing order of the @ref
     * .Point2DTimestampPair.timestamp field.
    // @constraint(for i from 0 below (len(value) - 1) value[i].timestamp.time < value[i+1].timestamp.time end)
    repeated Point2DTimestampPair entry = 1;


Message Point2DTimestampPair

class rst.timing.Point2DTimestampPair

A pair assembled from a 2D Point and a timestamp.

Code author: Agnes Swadzba <>


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message Point2DTimestampPair {

    required math.Vec2DFloat point = 1;

    required Timestamp timestamp = 2;
