



Send an event constructed according to EVENT-SPEC to listeners on scopes specified by DESTINATION-URI.

EVENT-SPEC is treated as follows:

  • As string when surrounded with double-quotes (")
  • As integer number when consisting of digits without decimal point
  • As float number when consisting of digits with decimal point
  • If EVENT-SPEC is the single character -, the entire “contents” of standard input (until end of file) is read as a string and used as argument for the method send

DESTINATION-URI designates the destination scope to which the events should be sent and the transport configuration which should be used for sending the event.

See also

For details regarding the URI syntax of DESTINATION-URI for specifying transport and scope.
Common Commandline Options
The usual commandline options are accepted.
IDL-related Commandline Options
The usual IDL-related options are accepted.
--method METHOD

Set the method field of the event being sent to METHOD. Default behavior is sending an event without method field.

--meta-data, -D NAME=VALUE

Set the meta-data item NAME to VALUE in the event being sent. This option can be specified multiple times for distinct NAME s.

--timestamp, -T NAME=YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS[.µµµµµµ[+ZH:ZM]]]

Set the timestamp named NAME to VALUE in the event being sent. This option can be specified multiple times for distinct NAME s.


Add the event id specified by PARTICIPANT-ID:SEQUENCE-NUMBER to the cause vector of the event being sent. This option can be specified multiple times.


  • $ send '"running"' 'spread:/mycomponent/state'

    In the above example, the send tool is used to send an event whose payload is the string running to the channel designated by the scope /mycomponent/state.


Implementation Language Project Repository Link
Common Lisp rsb-tools-cl “0.9” branch of