Converters for C++


  1. Clone the rst-converters repository from
  2. Change into the cpp directory.
  3. Install the project using the provided CMake file.
  4. TODO provide more details here

The result will be a shared library containing the converters which can be used by client projects.

Usage in CMake-based C++ Projects

In order to use the provided converters in CMake-based projects, first find the rst-converters library using the following code:

find_package(rst-converters REQUIRED)

Afterwards you can create a target in CMake and finally link it against the rst-converters library:

add_executable(tester tester.cpp)
target_link_libraries(tester ${RST_CONVERTERS_LIBRARIES})

In order to use the available converters in the client C++ code, the appropriate plugins have to be loaded. This can be done, for example, by adding a section like the following to the rsb.conf configuration file:

load = rstrsbconvertersopencv

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