Image Component Library (ICL)
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00001 /********************************************************************
00002 **                Image Component Library (ICL)                    **
00003 **                                                                 **
00004 ** Copyright (C) 2006-2013 CITEC, University of Bielefeld          **
00005 **                         Neuroinformatics Group                  **
00006 ** Website: and                                      **
00007 **               **
00008 **                                                                 **
00009 ** File   : ICLFilter/src/ICLFilter/OpROIHandler.h                 **
00010 ** Module : ICLFilter                                              **
00011 ** Authors: Christof Elbrechter                                    **
00012 **                                                                 **
00013 **                                                                 **
00014 ** GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE                               **
00015 ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General **
00016 ** Public License version 3.0 as published by the                  **
00017 **                                                                 **
00018 ** Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL  **
00019 ** included in the packaging of this file.  Please review the      **
00020 ** following information to ensure the license requirements will   **
00021 ** be met:                **
00022 **                                                                 **
00023 ** The development of this software was supported by the           **
00024 ** Excellence Cluster EXC 277 Cognitive Interaction Technology.    **
00025 ** The Excellence Cluster EXC 277 is a grant of the Deutsche       **
00026 ** Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the context of the German       **
00027 ** Excellence Initiative.                                          **
00028 **                                                                 **
00029 ********************************************************************/
00031 #pragma once
00033 #include <ICLCore/ImgBase.h>
00035 namespace icl {
00036   namespace filter{
00077     class OpROIHandler {
00078       public:
00080       virtual ~OpROIHandler(){}
00083       private:
00084       friend class UnaryOp;
00085       friend class BinaryOp;
00087       void setClipToROI (bool bClipToROI) {this->m_bClipToROI = bClipToROI;}
00088       void setCheckOnly (bool bCheckOnly) {this->m_bCheckOnly = bCheckOnly;}
00090       bool getClipToROI() const { return m_bClipToROI; }
00091       bool getCheckOnly() const { return m_bCheckOnly; }
00094       OpROIHandler() : m_bClipToROI (true), m_bCheckOnly (false) {}
00098       bool prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, core::depth eDepth, const utils::Size &imgSize, 
00099                     core::format eFormat, int nChannels, const utils::Rect& roi, 
00100                     utils::Time timestamp=utils::Time::null);
00103       virtual bool prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, const core::ImgBase *poSrc) {
00104         // ensure that the checkOnly flag is set to TRUE, if source and destination images are the same pointers, 
00105         // this can not lead to problems, because *ppoDst is reallocated only if its depth differs from
00106         // the source images depth (which is not true if poSrc==*ppoDst
00107         //ICLASSERT_RETURN_VAL( !(ppoDst && (*ppoDst==poSrc) && !getCheckOnly() ), false); 
00108         return prepare (ppoDst, poSrc->getDepth(), chooseSize (poSrc),
00109                         poSrc->getFormat(), poSrc->getChannels (), chooseROI (poSrc),
00110                         poSrc->getTime());
00111       }
00115       virtual bool prepare (core::ImgBase **ppoDst, const core::ImgBase *poSrc, core::depth eDepth) {
00116         // ensure that the checkOnly flag is set to TRUE, if source and destination images are the same pointers, 
00117         // this can not lead to problems, because *ppoDst is reallocated only if its depth differs from
00118         // the source images depth (which is not true if poSrc==*ppoDst
00119         // ICLASSERT_RETURN_VAL( !(ppoDst && (*ppoDst==poSrc) && !getCheckOnly() ), false);
00120         return prepare (ppoDst, eDepth, chooseSize (poSrc),
00121                         poSrc->getFormat(), poSrc->getChannels (), chooseROI (poSrc),
00122                         poSrc->getTime());
00123       }
00125       const utils::Size chooseSize (const core::ImgBase *poSrc) {
00126         return m_bClipToROI ? poSrc->getROISize () : poSrc->getSize ();
00127       }
00129       const utils::Rect chooseROI (const core::ImgBase *poSrc) {
00130         return m_bClipToROI ? utils::Rect (utils::Point::null, poSrc->getROISize ())
00131           : poSrc->getROI();
00132       }
00134       bool m_bClipToROI, m_bCheckOnly;
00135     };
00136   } // namespace filter
00137 }
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