.. _rst: Welcome to the |project| Manual! (for version |version|) ======================================================== The Robotics Systems Types Repository (|project|) contains type specifications for robotics and cognitive systems and associated conversion code for different :term:`data type` s and programming languages. The following programming languages are currently supported explicitly: * C++ * Python .. warning:: Only major version 2 of Python (i.e. not Python 3) is currently supported. This limitation is due to the face that the protocol buffer compiler currently only supports Python 2.x. * Java Data types are specified using a `Interface Definition Language `_. Currently, the `Google Protocol Buffers `_ IDL syntax is used almost exclusively. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 preparation tutorial data-types converters .. toctree:: :hidden: glossary Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`glossary` * :ref:`search`