RSC  0.7.17
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
|oChas_stream_output< bool >
|oChas_stream_output< char >
|oChas_stream_output< unsigned char >
|oChas_stream_output< short >
|oChas_stream_output< unsigned short >
|oChas_stream_output< int >
|oChas_stream_output< unsigned int >
|oChas_stream_output< long >
|oChas_stream_output< unsigned long >
|oChas_stream_output< float >
|oChas_stream_output< double >
|oChas_stream_output< char * >
|oChas_stream_output< std::string >
|oChas_stream_output< std::vector< T > >
|\Chas_stream_output< std::type_info >
||oCConfigFileSourceObjects of this class parse streams that contain configuration information in "ini-file" syntax
||oCConfigSourceImplementations of this interface obtain configuration information somewhere and pass individual configuration options to an OptionHandler instance
||oCEnvironmentVariableSourceObjects of this class analyze the environment of the current process, finding environment variables whose name starts with a specified string
||oCOptionHandlerImplementations of this interface receive options from ConfigSource objects
||\CPropertyHandlerThis implementation of the OptionHandler interface stores all options it receives into a runtime::Properties object
||oCDebugToolsA class providing platform-specific runtime debugging tools, e.g
||oCLinuxDebugToolsLinux GCC based implementation of DebugTools
||\CWindowsDebugToolsWindows implementation for debug tools
|oNloggingProvides a hierarchical logging system with the possibility to install different backends, which are instances of LoggingSystem
||oCConsoleLoggerA simple logger that uses cout and cerr for logging
||oCConsoleLoggingSystemDefault logging system using the console for output
||oCLoggerInterface for logging adapters that can be used with RSC
||oCLoggerFactoryFactory to create logger instances
||oCLoggerProxyA proxy to an instance of Logger, which provides the same interface but allows to exchange the underlying logger at runtime
||oCLoggerTreeNodeA simple tree representation for loggers
||oCLoggingSystemRepresents a logging adapter available to the rsc logging system through the configuration
||\COptionBasedConfiguratorA class which configures the logging tree using configuration subsystem of RSC
||oCMathUtilsGeneral math-related utility functions
||oCMetricDefines interface for vector metrics providing a calc-method that calculates the metric of two vectors
||oCEuclidDistEuclidean distance between two vectors
||oCMaximumDistEuclidean distance between two vectors
||oCMetricConditionDefines a interface for metric conditions
||oCBelowThresholdThe BelowThreshold - condition tests whether a given metric of two vectors stays below a given upper threshold
||oCAboveThresholdThe AboveThreshold - condition tests whether a given metric of two vectors stays above a given threshold
||\CSequenceMonitorA monitor for (vector-) sequences
||oCIllegalStateExceptionException indicating a call on a method where the underlying object is in an illegal state for this call
||oCNullDeleterA deleter object that can be used with boost::shared_ptr that doesn't release any memory
||oCParentSharedPtrDeleterA deleter for boost::shared_ptr which enables to use a pointer in a shared_ptr, which is not a shared_ptr itself and owned by another object
||oCRegistryA templatized global registry
||oCUnsupportedOperationExceptionAn exception which indicates that a certain operation is not supported by the target
||\CUUIDEncapsulates the generation and handling of UUIDs
||oCAssociativeProxy< Container, pass_through >
||oCContainerProxy< Container, pass_through >
||oCFactoryBaseAn interface-independent factory interface, mainly used as a base class for more specific factories
||oCFactoryObjects of this class manage a family of named implementations of a particular interface
||oCSingletonFactoryA factory of which at most one instance exists at any time
||oCNoSuchKeyThis exception is thrown if a specified key does not exist in an associative container
||oCObservableFactoryA specialized factory class objects of which emit signals when implementations are registered or unregistered
||oCObservableSingletonFactoryAn observable factory of which at most one instance exists at any time
||\CSingletonThis template class implements the singleton pattern
||oCInvalidMangledNameThis exception indicates the special case of an invalid argument where an invalid mangled name was passed to a function
||oCNoSuchObjectThis exception is thrown if a specified object does not exist
||oCPrintableA base class that defines utility functions for printing objects to streams
||\CPropertiesProperties objects are basically glorified map<string, boost::any> objects
||oCSubprocessA wrapper to call a different command as a subprocess and control its lifecycle
||oCUnixSubprocessUnix subprocess implementation
||\CWindowsSubprocessSubprocess implementation for windows
| oCFutureExceptionThrown when the result of the computation represented by a future is not available for some reason
| oCFutureTaskExecutionExceptionException that is thrown if the result of a Future is not available because the underlying process generated an error
| oCFutureTimeoutExceptionThrown when the execution of a Future's task does not complete within the specified amount of time
| oCFutureClass providing access to the result of a process that is asynchronously running
| oCInterruptedExceptionAn exception thrown if a blocking operation was interrupted
| oCOrderedQueueDispatcherPoolA thread pool that dispatches messages to a list of receivers
| oCPeriodicTaskA specialization of Task that executes a task in a periodic manner by providing an special implementation of continueExec
| oCRepetitiveTaskA task that already provides a base frame for common logic of interruptible tasks
| oCSimpleTaskA Task subclass which maintains interruption through a volatile boolean flag which should be processed by the user code
| oCQueueEmptyExceptionIndicates that a queue was empty while trying to pop an element from it
| oCSynchronizedQueueA queue with synchronized access and interruption support
| oCTaskA task is a self.contained piece of work that can be executed by another thread
| oCTaskExecutorInterface for different scheduling strategies for Task instances
| \CThreadedTaskExecutorA very simple TaskExecutor that uses a new thread for each incomming task
\NstdSTL namespace