

rsb-process-monitor [options] [PIDs]


General Options

-h, --help

Show help message

-c <time>, --cycle <time>

Length of one monitoring iteration in ms (Default: 250)

--mode <mode>

Selects how this monitor operates.

PIDs to monitor are specified on the command line beforehand.
An RSB listener listens for instructions to monitor PIDs

Default: cmd

Output settings

-o <scope>, --scope <scope>

Output RSB scope prefix. /<host>/<name>/<pid> will be automatically added. (Default: /monitoring)


If turned on no events will be emitted using RSB. Still RSB informers will be created.

-p, --print

Print the gathered results on stdout prior to sending


If specified, periodically send a string message with ‘pid:name’ lines for all monitored processes on the given RSB scope.

--status-cycle <time>

The time to wait between status messages (ms). (Default: 10000)

Cue provider settings

-s, --procstat

Provide cues from the proc/[pid]/stat files

-m, --procmem

Provide cues from the proc/[pid]/statm files

-i, --procio

Provide cues from the proc/[pid]/io files

-f, --procfd

Provide cues from the proc/[pid]/fd/* files

-e, --net

Provide network bandwidth information. This is enabled through pcap packet sniffing. Therefore this probably requires root. Moreover, to have a reasonable performance, you should only have a single process per host providing this information for all relevant processes.

-t, --taskstats

Provide cues using the taskstats kernel interface (might require root permissions)

Options for the command line mode

--pid <pid>

PIDs of processes to monitor

-n <string>, --name <string>

If set, replaces the automatically generated <name> part of the output with the given string (also in the data). In case multiple processes are monitored in parallel, specify the different names in the form pid:name.


Continue processing in case a pid cannot be monitored at startup. Normally, the process would exit with a warning.

Options for the remote mode

--remote-scope <scope>

The scope used to listen for monitoring instructions. This program will open up a listener waiting for strings of the form ‘pid:name’ to start monitoring a pid in case it isn’t already monitored. Multiple lines of this format are allowed. (Default: /monitoring/control)

Thread and subprocess handling

-u, --subprocesses

Enable handling subprocesses. If enabled, for each specified PID all subprocesses will also be gathered under the same result set with the top-level PID.

-r, --threads

Enable providing cues for single threads. Every provider capable of providing thread-related information will start providing information about all threads of the specified PID unless you set at least one of the filters for thread names or IDs. (--threadnames or --threadtids)

--threadnames <name>

Only process threads with matching names

--threadtids <name>

Only process threads with matching TIDs