
Provides executable functions.

Code author: jwienke


configure_logging(file_or_flag) Configure the python logging system.
generate_argument_parser() Generates an argparse parser for the adapter executable.
run() Main method for the adapter executable.


GraphiteBackend(host, port, process_prefix, ...) A backend to submit data to a graphite installation.
InfluxdbBackend(client, process_prefix, ...) A backend for the timeseries database InfluxDB.
Processor(backend[, do_threads, ...]) Controller to accept raw data, pre-processes it, and passes it to backends.

Configure the python logging system.

If the provided argument is a file instance, try to use the pointed to file as a configuration for the logging system. Otherwise, if the given argument evaluates to :class:True:, use a default configuration with many logging messages. If everything fails, just log starting from the warning level.

Parameters:file_or_flag (file or bool) – either a configuration file pointed by a file object instance or something that evaluates to bool.

Generates an argparse parser for the adapter executable.

Returns:configured parser instance with all arguments
Return type:argparse.ArgumentParser

Main method for the adapter executable.

Includes all the necessary work to run as a command line application.