.. _preparation: ============= Preparation ============= .. warning:: :term:`Log files` produced by the |version| version of the |project| tools cannot be processed using the older versions. However, the opposite direction should work. .. _installation: Installation ============ There are currently three different ways to install the |version| version of the |project| tools: * Binary downloads * Debian packages * From source Binary Downloads ---------------- #. Download the ``bag`` binary from the appropriate location: * `Linux i686 `_ * `Linux x86_64 `_ * `MacOS x86_64 `_ #. After the download, the ``bag`` file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing .. code-block:: sh chmod +x bag in the download directory. #. The various ``bag-*`` tools are provided as `symbolic links `_ to the single |main_binary| binary. When invoked, it prints a list of these links and offers to create them: .. code-block:: sh $ ./bag [...] Create missing links now [yes/no]? y Creating symbolic link bag-info -> bag [...] .. note:: The links can also be created as follows: Non-interactively .. code-block:: sh $ ./bag create-links Manually .. code-block:: sh $ for alias in bag-{record,info,merge,cat,play} ; do ln -s bag ${alias} ; done #. If required, download scripts from the locations given above. Debian Packages --------------- Debian packages for several versions of |ubuntu| are available from the `CoR-Lab package repository `_. #. The following repository source line has to be added to ``/etc/apt/sources.list``:: deb http://packages.cor-lab.de/ubuntu/ RELEASENAME testing where :samp:`{RELEASENAME}` is the appropriate Ubuntu release name. #. After that, packages can be installed via .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apt-get install PACKAGENAME where :samp:`{PACKAGENAME}` is |package_name| for this release of |project|. .. warning:: This installation method only works with |ubuntu|. .. note:: More information can be found `here `_. From Source ----------- .. note:: Building and installing |project| and the associated tools from source requires the `SBCL`_ `Common Lisp`_ implementation and additional projects which can be downloaded from TODO. All remaining dependencies should be installable via `Quicklisp`_. #. The entire source code of |project| (for version |version|) along with associated support files and this manual is available at |repository_versioned|. #. Build and install |project| .. code-block:: sh $ mkdir -p build && cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ make install Testing the Installation ======================== The success of the installation can be tested as follows: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-cat --version bag-cat version 0.6.0 SBCL version 1.0.55 RSB version 0.6.0 RSBAG version 0.6.0 RSBAG-TIDELOG version 0.6.0 .. _troubleshooting: Troubleshooting =============== #. Problem Calling any of the ``bag-*`` :ref:`tools `, the following happens: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-cat my-log-file.tide WARNING: Failed to load Spread library: Unable to load any of the alternatives: ("libspread-without-signal-blocking.so" "libspread.so" "libspread.so.2" "libspread.so.2.0" "libspread.so.1"). Did you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Spread transport will now be disabled. [execution continues, but Spread transport does not work] Solution Place one of the mentioned :term:`Spread` libraries on the system library search path or set ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` appropriately. #. Problem We would like also to know how to record with :ref:`bag-record`. We have tried: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-record -o test.tide \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/vision/0' \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/vision/1' \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/audio/all' with no success: ``ILLEGAL SPREAD``. Solution Most likely, there is no :term:`Spread daemon` running on host ``remote`` (or not on port ``4803``).