.. _troubleshooting: ================= Troubleshooting ================= .. seealso:: :ref:`support` If this page doesn't help .. _troubleshooting-unknown-wire-schema: Wire-schema is not Known ======================== .. seealso:: :ref:`idl-options` Commandline Options for loading Data Type Definitions Problem I tried to record :term:`events ` with :term:`wire schema` ``rst.kinematics.JointAngles`` using :ref:`bag-record`. This does not seem to work - at least :ref:`bag-record` reports: .. parsed-literal:: WARNING: :term:`Payload` serialization format for :term:`wire schema` ``:|.rst.kinematics.JointAngles|`` is not known. :term:`Channel` format will only describe outer :term:`event` serialization; not inner :term:`payload` serialization. Solution :ref:`bag-record` should record all :term:`events ` despite the warning but the resulting :term:`log file` will not contain information about the :term:`types ` of the recorded :term:`event payloads ` and will thus not be self-describing. :ref:`bag-record` usually tries to make all recorded :term:`log files ` self-describing. That is the reason for the warning. For recording and replaying :term:`events `, :ref:`bag-record` and :ref:`bag-play` do not require this additional information. Did you try to :ref:`replay ` the recorded data? If you want to avoid the warning and/or store the type information in the :term:`log file` to make it self-describing, you can add :ref:`commandline options to load the respective data type definitions `: .. parsed-literal:: bag-record -I\ :file:`{PATH-TO-RST}/proto/stable/` -l\ :file:`{PATH-TO-RST}/proto/stable/rst/kinematics/JointAngles.proto` … .. _troubleshooting-missing-spread-library: Missing Spread Library ====================== Problem Calling any of the ``bag-*`` :ref:`tools `, the following happens: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-cat my-log-file.tide WARNING: Failed to load Spread library: Unable to load any of the alternatives: ("libspread-without-signal-blocking.so" "libspread.so" "libspread.so.2" "libspread.so.2.0" "libspread.so.1"). Did you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH? Spread transport will now be disabled. [execution continues, but Spread transport does not work] Solution Place one of the mentioned :term:`Spread` libraries (typically :file:`libspread.so.2.0`) on the system library search path or set :envvar:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` appropriately. .. _troubleshooting-illegal-spread: Illegal Spread ============== Problem We would like also to know how to record with :ref:`bag-record`. We have tried: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-record -o test.tide \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/vision/0' \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/vision/1' \ 'spread://remote:4803/nao/audio/all' with no success: ``ILLEGAL SPREAD``. Solution Most likely, there is no :term:`Spread daemon` running on host ``remote`` (or not on port ``4803``). .. _troubleshooting-bag-records-exits: bag-record Exits during Recording ================================= Problem When recording with :ref:`bag-record` using the :term:`Spread` transport, :ref:`bag-record` exist after a short amount of time with an error like:: Error receiving: CONNECTION-CLOSED Solution This problem occurs because more data is sent to :ref:`bag-record` than it can receive and/or write to disk. Although this problem should be much less common in recent versions (>= 0.9) of :ref:`bag-record`, it can still happen with large volumes of data or problematic :term:`Spread` configurations. There several options to mitigate the problem: #. When the data which should be recorded is sent to several :term:`scopes `, separate :ref:`bag-record` processes can be created for these :term:`scopes ` - maybe even on different machines. #. The :ref:`socket-based transport ` is sometimes faster than the :term:`Spread` :term:`transport`. #. An unmodified :term:`Spread daemon` sometimes delivers :term:`events ` slower than necessary, which can lead to the problem described above. We provide a patched :term:`Spread` Debian package in the `CoR-Lab package repository `_. .. _troubleshooting-empty-log-files: Empty Log-files after Recording =============================== Problem After recording with :ref:`bag-record`, there are no :term:`events ` in my :term:`log files ` (according to :ref:`bag-info`). Solution We suggest the following procedure to investigate the problem: .. digraph:: empty_file fontname=Arial fontsize=11 node [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] edge [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] info [label="bag-info broken.tide",shape=box] info_decision [label="displays events?",shape="diamond"] noevents [label="no events (according to bag-info)",shape=box] filesize [label="check filesize",shape=diamond] forgetit [label="forget it; nothing has been recorded",shape=box] forgetit_decision [label="want to fix it?",shape=diamond] info_reindex [label="bag-info --on-error continue",shape=box] info_reindex_decision [label="displays events?",shape=diamond] merge_reindex [label="bag-merge --on-error continue -o repaired.tide broken.tide",shape=box] contactus [label="contact us",shape=box] info -> info_decision info_decision -> noevents [label="no"] info_decision -> contactus [label="yes (what is the problem, then?)"] noevents -> filesize filesize -> forgetit [label="<= 22 byte"] forgetit -> forgetit_decision forgetit_decision -> contactus [label="yes"] forgetit_decision -> forgetit [label="no"] filesize -> info_reindex [label="> 22 byte"] info_reindex -> info_reindex_decision info_reindex_decision -> contactus [label="still no events"] info_reindex_decision -> merge_reindex [label="yes, displays events"] .. _troubleshooting-adjusting-timestamps-during-replay: Adjust Timestamps during Replay =============================== .. seealso:: :ref:`bag-play-adjusting-timestamps` Description in the :ref:`bag-play` manual page Problem Is it possible to have :ref:`bag-play` use a :ref:`playback strategy ` like ``recorded-timing`` but to adapt the ``create`` timestamps of the data to correspond to the current system time and not the recorded original creation time? Solution This can be achieved by calling :ref:`bag-play` like this: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-play --replay-strategy 'recorded-timing :adjustments ((:create :now))' ... .. _troubleshooting-replay-without-gaps: Replay without Gaps =================== Problem Replaying a :term:`log file` with "gaps" (i.e. periods of time during which no :term:`events ` were sent) for testing purposes is inconvenient and takes longer than necessary because of the gaps. Is it possible to skip over these gaps while otherwise retaining the original timing? Solution This can be achieved by calling :ref:`bag-play` like this: .. code-block:: sh $ bag-play --replay-strategy 'recorded-timing :max-delay .1' ... ``:max-delay .1`` limits the maximum delay between adjacent :term:`events ` to 100 milliseconds without changing the playback timing for shorter delays.