


An event is the basic unit of exchanged data in RSB. Hence, all information required to fully specify and trace the condition it represents need to be present in the event. To fulfill these requirements, our event model consists of the following components:


The payload of an event is a user-defined object of the respective programming language which contains the major information specifying the condition the event represents.

It can be of an arbitrary domain type which reduces the framework lock-in by means of an early transition from framework types to domain objects for technical realization.

A unique ID for each event in an RSB-based system to make events addressable and foster traceability.
Meta Data

Each event is supplemented by meta data.

It consist of the event sender’s ID and several timestamps that

  • specify timing information relevant to the condition represented by the event (user-extensible)
  • make the the processing of the event within RSB traceable.

Besides these framework-supplied items, a key-value store for string-based additional meta data items is available for the client and user-defined timestamps can be added.

Causal Vector
This vector allows to represent the causing events of a given event, as proposed in [Luckham2001PEI]. It facilitates automatic system analysis and debugging.
Destination Scope
Specifies the recipients of the event notification by restricting the visibility of event notifications [Muehl2006-DEB].




URIs or URLs are used in the following situations

  • Specifying how to connect to the bus (i.e. specifying a scope and transport configuration)
  • Naming a thing on the bus

Generic URIs



Components of the URL are interpreted as follows:

This may resolve to:

  • Service and/or Participant

    • If there is only one of these entities this is enough for resolving it

    • If multiple entities reside on the scope, a single instance can be selected using their UUID:

  • Nothing

These generic URIs require a global naming service.


rsb:                                              -> The channel designated by the scope "/"
rsb:/                                             -> The channel designated by the scope "/"
rsb:/foo/bar                                      -> The channel designated by the scope "/foo/bar"
rsb:/foo/bar#10838319-09A4-4D15-BD59-5E054CDB4403 -> The participant with UUID 10838319-09A4-4D15-BD59-5E054CDB4403

Transport-specific URLs



Components of the URL are interpreted as follows:

  • SCHEME -> transport name (e.g spread)
  • HOST -> Transport-specific “host” option (e.g. host that runs the daemon for Spread transport)
  • PORT -> Transport-specific “port” option (e.g. port on which daemon listens for Spread transport)
  • PATH -> A scope which designates one of the following things
  • QUERY -> “freestyle” transport-specific options

Examples for specifying bus connections when creating participants:

                                             -> participate in channel
                                             with scope "/" using the
                                             default transport
spread:                                      -> participate in channel
with scope "/" using the Spread transport with its default
inprocess:                                   -> participate in channel
with scope "/" using the in-process transport with its default
spread://localhost:5555                      -> participate in channel
with scope "/" via the Spread daemon running on localhost and
listening on port 5555
inprocess://someotherhost                    -> syntactically correct,
but does not make sense
spread:/foo/bar                              -> participate in channel
with scope "/foo/bar" using the default transport configuration
spread:?maxfragmentsize=10000                -> participate in channel
with scope "/" using the Spread transport with default host and port
and a maximum event fragment size of 10000 bytes
spread:?maxfragmentsize=10000&tcpnodelay=yes -> likewise, but with
additional tcpnodelay set to "yes" option


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