.. _install-python: ======================= Python Implementation ======================= Supported Interpreters ====================== * Python 2.x Dependencies ============ Required Dependencies * Python development tools * setuptools * Python implementation of `Google protocol buffers`_ Optional Dependencies * `Spread`_, Version 4.0 or newer * :term:`Spread` Python module Installation of Dependencies on Debian-based Systems ---------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: sh $ sudo apt-get python-setuptools python-dev python-protobuf Installation of Dependencies on MacOS using Homebrew ---------------------------------------------------- For installing |project| and its dependencies from source on Darwin, we recommend to use `Homebrew`_, an easy-to-use package manager for MacOS. .. code-block:: sh $ brew install cmake boost protobuf Installation of Dependencies on Windows Systems ----------------------------------------------- Install Microsoft Visual Studio. If you are planning to use the Python implementation of |project|, only version 2008 currently works. In order to install `Spread`_ a source-based installation is required. The visual studio solution for `Spread`_ 4.2 is currently broken. Hence only version 4.1 can be used. In detail, perform the following steps: #. Open :file:`spread.sln` in the ``win32`` folder of the spread archive with Visual Studio. #. Set the active configuration to ``release``. #. Build ``libspread`` and ``spread``. If you build the whole solution errors might appear. However, only the aforementioned artifacts are required. #. Optionally, manually copy the generated ``.lib`` and ``.exe`` to an installation prefix. Python can be installed using the binary installer. A 32 bit version is recommended. Installation ============ #. Clone |project| and its immediate dependencies from the `git`_ repository RSC "|branch|" branch of https://code.cor-lab.de/git/rsc.git |project| Protocol |repository_versioned_protocol| |project| Python |repository_versioned_python| #. Install RSC and the |project| protocol definitions as described :ref:`in the C++ installation instructions `. #. Create and edit :file:`setup.cfg` .. seealso:: `Setuptools Documentation `_ Documentation of the format of the :file:`setup.cfg` file Setuptools does not use command line arguments to configure projects. Instead a file called :file:`setup.cfg` in the project root is used. Add or replace ``protocolroot`` in section ``[proto]`` with the path to the |project| protocol files (e.g. :samp:`protocolroot={PREFIX}/share/rsbprotocol`). An exemplary :file:`setup.cfg` file could look like this: .. code-block:: ini # [existing content here] [proto] protocolroot=/your/prefix/share/rsbprotocol .. note:: The following |project|-specific options are recognized: ``protoc`` in section ``[proto]`` The `Google protocol buffers`_ :program:`protoc` compiler used to generate code from the |project| protocol description. If not specified :envvar:`PATH` is used. ``format`` in section ``[doc]`` Either ``html`` or ``pdf`` for the API documentation generation. ``verbose`` in section ``[doc]`` Bool flag to control verbose output of the generation tool :program:`epydoc`. #. Start building and installation .. parsed-literal:: $ export PYTHONPATH=\ :samp:`{PREFIX}`/lib/python2.\ :samp:`{VERSION}`/site-packages # if you are install to /usr or /usr/local it must be dist-packages $ python setup.py build $ python setup.py install --prefix=\ :samp:`{PREFIX}` Adding Support for Spread ========================= Install :term:`Spread` as described in the :ref:`C++ installation instructions `. Installation of the Spread module for Python -------------------------------------------- .. warning:: The `Spread`_ Python version automatically installed by setuptools is not working. #. Download sources from |spread_python_tarball|. #. Extract the downloaded archive file and change to the :file:`SpreadModule-1.5spread4` directory #. Edit :file:`setup.py` and set ``SPREAD_DIR`` to your installation prefix (e.g., :file:`/usr`, :file:`/your/prefix` or :file:`c:\\code\\spread`) .. note:: On Windows it might also be necessary to change the following aspects of the :file:`setup.py`: .. code-block:: python include_dirs = [SPREAD_DIR + r"\include"], library_dirs = [SPREAD_DIR + r"\lib\win32"], libraries = ['libspread', 'wsock32'], # comment out #extra_link_args = ['/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt'], #. Build and install .. parsed-literal:: $ python setup.py build_ext --rpath :samp:`{PREFIX}`/lib $ python setup.py install --prefix=\ :samp:`{PREFIX}` .. note:: It might be that the ``--rpath`` option needs to be removed on Windows. Testing the Installation ======================== .. seealso:: :ref:`python:tut-invoking` How to configure and start the Python interpreter. The following statement should succeed in a :program:`python` shell: .. code-block:: python import rsb .. note:: It may be necessary to set :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` to :samp:`{PREFIX}/lib/python2.X/site-packages` as in the installation step above.