Installation of Pre-Generated Packages

Debian Packages

Debian packages for several versions of Ubuntu GNU/Linux are available from the CoR-Lab repository server.

  1. The following repository source line has to be added to /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb RELEASENAME main

    where RELEASENAME is one of precise, trusty.


    In case you add this line using a graphical package manager, some of these tools also propose to add a second line for source packages starting with deb-src. As we do not provide source packages, this line should not be added or needs to be removed manually.


    To prevent verification errors you also need to add our package server key to your system. Please follow the instructions available at

  2. After that, packages can be installed via

    $ sudo apt-get install librsb0.15 cl-rsb rsb-tools-cpp0.15 rsb-tools-cl0.15

    The above command installs the C++ and Common Lisp implementations of RSB. Of course, it also possible to only install a subset of the above packages.


    Support for the Spread transport is no longer automatically installed with RSB. Support for Spread can be installed by executing

    $ sudo apt-get install spread librsbspread0.15


This installation method only works with Ubuntu GNU/Linux. More information can be found here.

Python PyPI Packages

For Python, platform-independent packages are pushed to the central repository server and can be installed with pip or easy_install.


pip is the recommended way of installing Python packages since some time and preferred over easy_install. On Ubuntu GNU/Linux systems, pip can be installed via the package python-pip.


The Python implementation of RSB is currently only available for Python 2.X. If the default Python version on your system is Python 3, ensure that you call the respective easy_install or pip version. These usually contain the Python version as a suffix to the name, e.g.: easy_install-2.7.

  1. The installation of the Python implementation of RSB requires the Google Protocol Buffers compiler (protoc) on your system. Before starting the installation, install protoc and ensure that this binary can be found from the PATH environment variable.

    To install protoc we recommend to use Debian packages on Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Homebrew on MacOS. The respective installation commands are:

    $ sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler
    $ brew install protobuf
  2. The installation of the Python implementation of RSB requires the Google Protocol Buffers module on your system. Depending on whether pip or easy_install is used, do one of the following:

    $ easy_install protobuf
    $ pip install protobuf


    These commands will install protobuf for the whole system and require root permissions. If you only want to install protobuf for your local user, add the --user option to the call of easy_install or pip install. The same applies for the subsequently described installation of rsb-python itself.

  3. The rsb-python module can be installed by using one of the following functions:

    $ easy_install "rsb-python<=VERSION.99999"
    $ pip install "rsb-python<=VERSION.99999"

    where VERSION needs to be replaced with 0.15.


    Development versions of RSB are not deployed on PyPI. These commands will revert to the latest stable version.

  4. If you plan to use the Spread transport, you need to additionally install the Python Spread module which is available at: The version of this module which is pushed to the PyPI is outdated and does not work with Spread version 4. You need to compile this module on your own.

Mac Homebrew

RSB uses homebrew for installation on MacOS. For further information on the ideas behind homebrew please check this blog post. To install RSB from source on MaxOS the following steps are required:


As precondition XCode needs to installed. This can be easily achieved through the MacOS X App Store. A further requirement for installing Unixoid software components are the XCode Command Line Tools. They can be installed from within XCode (XCode ‣ Preferences ‣ Downloads) and install Command Line Tools.

  1. Bootstrapping homebrew itself:

    Installing homebrew on MacOS is simple as that:

    $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"


    After the installation, you can run the following command to check if homebrew was installed correctly:

    $ brew doctor
  2. Install the C++ implementation of RSB (core library and tools) with homebrew:

    $ brew tap corlab/homebrew-formulas
    $ brew install rsb-tools-cpp


    After the installation, you can run the following command to check if RSB was installed correctly:

    $ rsb_version


If the formula conflicts with one from mxcl/master or another tap, you can brew install corlab/homebrew-formulas/FORMULA.

You can also install via URL:

$ brew install


For MacOS X 10.8 users: on mountain lion, X11 is not provided anymore. For the core library of RSB, X11 is not needed, but many downstream projects require it. So, if you need to install XQuartz you can get it from This is recommended (but not necessary) also on earlier MacOS versions as XQuartz is more robust and up-to-date than the system-provided X11.


Pre-compiled JAR Download

Archives containing pre-built JAR-files of the Java implementation and required dependencies can be downloaded from the continuous integration server.

After downloading the archive, several JAR-files can be extracted from it. These files have to be placed on the Java classpath. Afterwards, the Java implementation of RSB should be usable in any Java program.

Maven Artifacts from the CITEC Repository

RSB java is also deployed to the CITEC Maven repository at In order to use the version deployed there, include the following fragments in the pom.xml of your project.

  1. In the dependencies section:

  2. In the repositories section:

            <name>CITEC Maven Repository Server</name>
            <name>CITEC Maven Repository Server</name>

Binary Downloads of Tools

  1. Download the rsb binary from the appropriate location:

  2. After the download, the rsb file has to be made executable in most cases. This can be done for example by executing

    $ chmod +x rsb

    in the download directory.

Pre-Compiled Windows Archive

As compiling cross-platform C++ code on Windows can easily become a nightmare, we provide a ZIP archive with RSB for C++ as well as all other RSX-related software pre-compiled for Windows in 32 bit mode using different Visual Studio versions.

  1. Download the artifact for your Visual Studio version

    In order to install the complete collection of RSX C++ software, you first need to know the numeric version of the Visual Studio version you want to work with. E.g. Visual Studio 2010 corresponds to version 100 and Visual Studio 2012 corresponds to numeric version 110. As soon as you know this you can select the appropriate configuration from this CI server job: (by clicking on the appropriate version name). After selecting the configuration, download the latest successful artifact (a zip file).

  2. Extract the archive

    Extract the archive to your desired target destination on your hard drive.

You end up with a folder containing one subfolder for each RSX project and all dependencies like the boost libraries.

Executing Programs Against the Archive

In order to execute programs that use software provided in the archive you need to extend the Windows PATH environment variable to point to all folders in the archive structure that contain DLL files. Otherwise you will receiving missing DLL warnings when trying to execute programs.

Please ensure that you do not have other Boost version etc. in your PATH than the ones provided in the archive.

Compiling Against the Archive

Windows is very picky about mixing different runtime libraries. All software provided in the archive is compiled in multi-threaded debug mode. Your client software should be compiled with exactly these settings to prevent unpredictable errors.