.. _specification-request-reply: ============================= Request-Reply Communication ============================= Overview ======== The Request/Reply communication pattern consists of two roles: ``Server`` (or ``LocalServer``), :term:`local server` :term:`participant` This class is instantiated in the service-providing |project| process. Provided methods are registered by name and signature. ``RemoteServer``, :term:`remote server` :term:`participant` This class is instantiated in the service-using |project| process. Each ``RemoteServer`` instance has one or more corresponding ``Server`` instances, potentially in different processes, that provide the service in question. Client code calls methods on the ``RemoteServer`` instance which cause methods of a ``Service`` instance to be called and perform the requested task. For example: .. digraph:: rpc_example fontname=Arial fontsize=11 node [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] edge [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] subgraph cluster_process1 { label="process 1"; "remoteserver" [shape=rectangle]; } subgraph cluster_process2 { label="process 2"; "server" [shape=rectangle]; } "remoteserver" -> "server" [label="request: call method foo"]; "server" -> "remoteserver" [label="reply: for foo call"]; .. important:: If a single service is provided by more than one server, requests will be processed in all servers, but the client will only receive one, arbitrarily selected, reply. Conversely, if service is not provided by any server, the request part of method calls is performed, but a reply is never received. This situation is indistinguishable from a server which takes an infinitely long time to process request and can therefore not be detected by the caller. However, timeouts can be used handle absent and slow servers uniformly. ``Server`` ========== Conceptually, the ``Server`` instance is the root of the following object tree: * ``Server`` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}` * Method * Name: :samp:`{METHOD-NAME}` * :term:`Scope` :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * Request :term:`listener` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * :term:`Handler`: passes received events to client code for processing * Reply :term:`informer` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * more methods ``RemoteServer`` ================ Conceptually, the ``RemoteServer`` instance is the root of the following object tree: * ``RemoteServer`` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}` * Method * Name: :samp:`{METHOD-NAME}` * :term:`Scope` :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * Request :term:`informer` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * Reply :term:`listener` * :term:`Scope`: :samp:`{SERVER-SCOPE}/{METHOD-NAME}/` * :term:`Handler`: processes received replies to ultimately return a result to the client code which initiated the call * A collection of in-progress method calls * more methods Protocol ======== #. Client code calls a method on a ``RemoteServer`` instance #. The request :term:`informer` of the method publishes a request :term:`event` containing * The argument of the method call as :term:`payload` * The value ``"REQUEST"`` in its :term:`method field` #. A record containing the :term:`event id` of the request :term:`event` is created for the method call #. The call blocks until a reply :term:`event` is received (see below) #. The request :term:`listener` of the method in a corresponding ``Server`` instance receives the :term:`event` #. The request :term:`event` is dispatched to a handler for processing #. After processing, the reply :term:`informer` of the method in the ``Server`` sends a reply :term:`event` containing * The result of the processing as :term:`payload`, if the processing succeeded without errors * The textual description of the error as :term:`payload`, if an error occurred * A user-info item with key ``rsb:error?`` and an arbitrary value, if an error occurred * The value ``"REPLY"`` in its :term:`method field` * The :term:`event id` of the request :term:`event` in its :term:`causal vector` #. The reply listener of the method in the ``RemoteServer`` receives the reply :term:`event` #. The call record is located using the :term:`event id` stored in the :term:`causal vector` of the reply :term:`event` #. The blocking call is notified and * returns the :term:`payload` of the reply :term:`event`, if a user-item with key ``rsb:error?`` is not present in the :term:`event` * signals an error, if a user-item with key ``rsb:error?`` is present in the :term:`event` Examples ======== TODO: include examples or link to tutorial? Implementations =============== =========== =========================================================== Language File(s) =========== =========================================================== C++ |repository_versioned_cpp| at ``src/rsb/patterns/`` Java |repository_versioned_java| at ``src/rsb/patterns/`` Python |repository_versioned_python| at ``rsb/patterns/`` Common Lisp |repository_versioned_cl| at ``src/patterns/request-reply`` =========== ===========================================================