.. _specification-socket: ====================== TCP-Socket Transport ====================== The TCP-socket-based :term:`transport` layers a very simple protocol on top of ordinary TCP sockets: * Processes act as either TCP-clients or -servers for a common port. There is one server and zero or more clients. Each client-server connection is a bi-direction stream of :term:`notifications ` which are sent and received by :term:`participants ` in the respective processes. * Each process may host zero, one or many :term:`participants `. Within a process, the :term:`participants ` share a connection. .. _specification-socket-schema: Schema ====== .. seealso:: :ref:`specification-uris` Use of URIs in |project|. The TCP-socket-based :term:`transport` uses the ``tcp`` URI schema. .. _specification-socket-options: Options ======= .. seealso:: :ref:`specification-config` Specification of configuration mechanism. The following :ref:`configuration ` options are accepted by the TCP-socket-based :term:`transport`:: Name Type Comment + transport +-- socket +---- host string Name of host running server +---- port uint Port on which server listens +---- server { 0, 1, auto } Act as server? +---- tcpnodelay boolean Implementation detail .. _specification-socket-addresses-and-ports: Addresses and Ports =================== +---------------+---------+-------+ | |Server |Client | +===============+=========+=======+ |Default address|localhost|| +---------------+---------+-------+ |Default port |55555 |55555 | +---------------+---------+-------+ It is possible to operate in "auto" mode instead of client or server mode. In that case the following actions are performed: #. Try to bind a listen socket to the configured address, port pair * If this succeeds, act as server * If this fails, goto 2 #. Try to connect to a socket bound to the configured address, port pair * If this succeeds, act as client * If this fails, give up .. note:: This "auto" mode can only work properly for connections on a single computer: if a host other than the local host was used, it would be impossible to act as server when required. In special cases, "auto" may still be useful for setups distributed over multiple computers but these cases require a detailed understanding of the above protocol and should generally be avoided. Messages ======== The following messages are exchanged: +-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Name |Size [bytes] |Content |Comment | +=================+================+=====================================+============================================+ |m\ :sub:`zero` |4 |four 0 bytes |only used during handshake | +-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ |m\ :sub:`size` |4 |size of payload in m\ :sub:`payload` |little-endian | +-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ |m\ :sub:`payload`|variable |payload blob |size is specified by previous m\ :sub:`size`| +-----------------+----------------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ .. note:: The handshake part of the protocol (explained below) is required to prevent the following scenario from happening: #. A client process connects to the TCP-socket of the server (without handshake) #. The client process creates a :term:`listener` waiting for :term:`events ` from some remote :term:`participant` #. The client process causes some remote :term:`participant` to send an :term:`event` which the :term:`listener` should receive #. The :term:`event` is not delivered to the :term:`listener` since the connection is not yet fully established despite the fact that the listener was established *before* the :term:`event` was caused. Client Perspective ================== From the client's perspective, the protocol consist of #. connect to the server socket #. receive m\ :sub:`zero` from the server #. concurrently send and receive length-delimited (via m\ :sub:`size`) notification messages m\ :sub:`payload` #. shutdown; one of: #. error shutdown #. error in send or receive operation #. close socket #. passive orderly shutdown #. "end of file" in receive operation #. shutdown socket for writing #. close socket #. active orderly shutdown #. termination request from client program #. shutdown socket for writing #. wait for "end of file" from server #. close socket .. digraph:: client_states fontname=Arial fontsize=11 node [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] edge [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] "new"; "setup-handshake"; "established"; "shutdown-handshake-active" [label="shutdown-handshake[active]"]; "shutdown-handshake-passive" [label="shutdown-handshake[passive]"]; "closed"; "new" -> "setup-handshake"; "setup-handshake" -> "established" [label="receive() : m_zero"]; "setup-handshake" -> "closed" [label="error"]; "established" -> "closed" [label="error"]; "established" -> "shutdown-handshake-active" [label="program shutdown => shutdown(socket)"]; "shutdown-handshake-active" -> "closed" [label="error | receive() : end-of-file"]; "established" -> "shutdown-handshake-passive" [label="receive() : end-of-file"]; "shutdown-handshake-passive" -> "closed" [label="error | shutdown(socket)"]; subgraph cluster_established_send { label="sending states when in state \"established\"" "established-send" [label="established"]; "size-sent"; "closed-send" [label="closed"]; "established-send" -> "size-sent" [label="send(m_size)"]; "size-sent" -> "established-send" [label="send(m_payload)"]; "established-send" -> "closed-send" [label="error"]; "size-sent" -> "closed-send" [label="error"]; }; subgraph cluster_established_receive { label="receiving states when in state \"established\"" "established-receive" [label="established"]; "size-received"; "closed-receive" [label="closed"]; "shutdown-handshake-receive" [label="shutdown-handshake[passive]"]; "established-receive" -> "size-received" [label="receive() : m_size"]; "size-received" -> "established-receive" [label="receive() : m_payload"]; "established-receive" -> "closed-receive" [label="error"]; "size-received" -> "closed-receive" [label="error"]; "established-receive" -> "shutdown-handshake-receive" [label="receive() : end-of-file"]; }; Server Perspective ================== The server establishes a listening TCP socket on the configured port. When a connection is accepted, the server continues to accept other connections and concurrently performs the following protocol on the new connection: #. accept client connection #. send m\ :sub:`zero` in to the client #. concurrently send and received notifications using length-delimited encoding via m\ :sub:`size` and m\ :sub:`payload` #. shutdown; one of: #. error shutdown #. error in send or receive operation #. close socket #. passive orderly shutdown #. "end of file" in receive operation #. shutdown socket for writing #. close socket #. active orderly shutdown #. termination request from client program #. shutdown socket for writing #. wait for "end of file" from client #. close socket .. digraph:: server_states fontname=Arial fontsize=11 node [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] edge [fontsize=11,fontname=Arial] "new"; "setup-handshake"; "established"; "shutdown-handshake-active" [label="shutdown-handshake[active]"]; "shutdown-handshake-passive" [label="shutdown-handshake[passive]"]; "closed"; "new" -> "setup-handshake"; "setup-handshake" -> "established" [label="send(m_zero)"]; "setup-handshake" -> "closed" [label="error"]; "established" -> "closed" [label="error"]; "established" -> "shutdown-handshake-active" [label="program shutdown => shutdown(socket)"]; "shutdown-handshake-active" -> "closed" [label="error | receive() : end-of-file"]; "established" -> "shutdown-handshake-passive" [label="receive() : end-of-file"]; "shutdown-handshake-passive" -> "closed" [label="error | shutdown(socket)"]; subgraph cluster_established_send { label="sending states when in state \"established\"" "established-send" [label="established"]; "size-sent"; "closed-send" [label="closed"]; "established-send" -> "size-sent" [label="send(m_size)"]; "size-sent" -> "established-send" [label="send(m_payload)"]; "established-send" -> "closed-send" [label="error"]; "size-sent" -> "closed-send" [label="error"]; }; subgraph cluster_established_receive { label="receiving states when in state \"established\"" "established-receive" [label="established"]; "size-received"; "closed-receive" [label="closed"]; "shutdown-handshake-receive" [label="shutdown-handshake[passive]"]; "established-receive" -> "size-received" [label="receive() : m_size"]; "size-received" -> "established-receive" [label="receive() : m_payload"]; "established-receive" -> "closed-receive" [label="error"]; "size-received" -> "closed-receive" [label="error"]; "established-receive" -> "shutdown-handshake-receive" [label="receive() : end-of-file"]; }; Example ======= :: # handshake S -> C 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 # established C -> S 0x23 0x00 0x00 0x00 # 35-byte payload follows C -> S 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x9a ... # 35-byte payload blob C -> S 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 # 3-byte payload follows C -> S 0x12 0x34 0x56 # 3-byte payload blob ... # shutdown C -> S end-of-file S -> C end-of-file Implementations =============== =========== =========================================================== Language File(s) =========== =========================================================== C++ |repository_versioned_cpp| at ``src/rsb/transport/socket`` Java |repository_versioned_java| at ``src/rsb/transport/socket`` Python :download:`/../rsb-python/rsb/transport/socket/__init__.py` Common Lisp |repository_versioned_cl| at ``src/transport/socket`` =========== ===========================================================