.. _doubles: ============== Doubles ============== ``Doubles`` is the most unspecific :ref:`Data Transfer Object ` (DTO) in RCI to simply hold a set of double-precision values with no semantic information. You should always try to avoid using this and instead use more specific :ref:`DTOs `. Using ``Doubles`` doesn't provide any help for users of your applciation, where using mores specific :ref:`DTOs ` provides helper methods and holds information about units, etc. Example: .. code-block:: c++ // Creating and accessing a three dimensional Doubles object rci::DoublesPtr double = rci::Doubles::create(3, 1.11); std::cout << double->print() << std::endl; // Doubles<1.11, 1.11, 1.11>(unspecified) // Creating and accessing a joint angles vector nemo::RealVector values = nemo::RealVector(nemo::dim(4), 10.0); double = rci::Doubles::create(values); std::cout << doubles->print() << std::endl; // Doubles<10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0>(unspecified) .