.. _preparation: ============== Installation ============== Installing |project| ==================== There are currently two ways to install the |version| version of |project|: * |ubuntu| packages * From source (undocumented yet, but uses python setup.py standard packaging) |ubuntu| Packages ----------------- .. warning:: Package are curently only released for **Ubuntu Precise LTS 12.04**. Debian packages for |ubuntu| are available from the `CoR-Lab package repository `_ and the `Biorob repository `_. In order to install these repositories in your system, please proceed like this:: eval `cat /etc/lsb-release` && echo deb http://biorob2.epfl.ch/users/tuleu/ubuntu precise main testing | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/biorob-tuleu.list eval `cat /etc/lsb-release` && echo deb http://packages.cor-lab.de/ubuntu precise main testing | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cor-lab.list wget -O - http://biorob2.epfl.ch/users/tuleu/ubuntu/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - wget -O - https://webdav.cor-lab.de/server_keys/packages.cor-lab.de_server_key.txt | sudo apt-key add - The Simulator is based on the `Webots `_ Simulator by Cyberbotics and requires a ``Webots PRO`` License. If you don't have an appropriate license, you can also `register at Cyberbotics `_ to obtain free 30 day trial version of the ``Webots PRO`` License. .. note:: Currently |project| is compatible with Webots versions lower than 7.0. You can download older Webots 6.x versions (e.g. 6.4.4, scroll down for debian packages) `here `_. Then you can install the Simulator:: sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install oncilla-sim-0.2 Now you are ready to use :ref:`Project Wizard ` utility to launch the simulator.