.. _oncilla-sim: =========== |project| =========== |project| Manual (for version |version|) ======================================== .. image:: images/oncilla-sim.png :width: 200px :align: right :target: _images/oncilla-sim.png |project| is the central project for the Oncilla Quadruped Simulation, developed in the `AMARSi`_ project. |project| contains a :ref:`Project Wizard `, that helps you set up new simulation projects and experiments, and installs :ref:`Examples ` for the usage of the different API layers. The Simulator is based on the `Webots `_ Simulator by Cyberbotics and requires a ``Webots PRO`` License. If you don't have an appropriate license, you can also `register at Cyberbotics `_ to obtain free 30 day trial version of the ``Webots PRO`` License. .. note:: Currently |project| is compatible with Webots versions lower than 7.0. You can download older Webots 6.x versions (e.g. 6.4.4) `here `_.