About the Tutorial

This tutorial is intended for ICL-beginners who already have some experience with C++. Even though ICL tries to stay as simple as possible by using advanced programming techniques such as templates only if necessary, there are several parts of the API that need particularly templates. Therefore, we recommend to at least grab some basic knowledge about how to use C++-templates before starting with the tutorial.

We will always provide code-examples that can most of the time directly be copied into and compiled as a single source file. We strongly recommend to try to adapt these examples here and there to get further insights of how parameters effect the output or how easily things can be extended.

ICL’s Modules

The ICL library is subdivided into a set of modules. Each module comes up with classes and functions for a more or less specific topic. The modules are organized in a dependency stack, i.e., every module in the following list depends on all modules above it.

The whole manual is linked against the API reference. Whenever an ICL-class, type of method is used, it will occur as a link, with an extra tooltip, that show the ICL module it can be found in.


Have a try at these examples:

icl8u, FixedMatrix, Img, UnaryOp, GenericGrabber, GUI, ImageRegion, Scene, Fiducial


Each module has it’s own namespace which is identical to the lower-case package name that is always inside the global icl namespace (e.g. the namespace of ICLCore namespace is icl::core). As common, header files will never use namespaces except for the ICLQt/Quick.h and the ICLQt/Common.h header, which are intended for rapid prototyping and therefore use all icl::xxx sub namespaces and also the std namespace implicitly. This is why in most of the examples in this tutorial, we will see neither using namespace-directives nor explicit namespace prefixes. However, we do not recommend to use these rapid prototyping headers for larger libraries in particular due to the build-time drawbacks. The frequently used header ICLQt/Common.h also includes a huge set of other commonly used ICL headers.

Some Basic Programming Stuff


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Hello ICL