Todo ListΒΆ


adapt download page and add links to the actual page

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/extras/download.rst, line 32.)


There is an unsolved dependency between PCL and OpenNI, since our PCD-File Grabber uses libpcl-io, which in turn depends on openni.

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/extras/install.rst, line 356.)


write how to install use OpenNI and Nite

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/extras/install.rst, line 462.)


consider implementing super-sampling (RA) for or even lanczos for scaled copy roi Note: we are already working on this

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/core.rst, line 340.)


write this, once it’s implemented and tested

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/core.rst, line 974.)


Provide Fallback-Implementation for Cross-Correlation

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/cv.rst, line 265.)


implement a demo application for the cv::TemplateTracker developed with Eckard

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/cv.rst, line 303.)


As soon as the image undistortion environment is reimplemented, we need to link this here

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/filter.rst, line 194.)


add further camera class features such as estimate_3D and Co.

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/geom.rst, line 108.)


Fix Image Undistortion stuff and add Howto

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/geom.rst, line 150.)


appropriate means, that the xml-files were created by serializing an icl::ImageUndistortion structure to a file. The tools (fix these names!) icl-opencvcamcalib-demo, icl-intrinsic-camera-calibration and icl-intrinsic-calibrator-demo can be setup to write the calibration results in the correct file format

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/io.rst, line 147.)


this part must be moved somewhere else. The calibration procedure should be implemented in ICLCV, but the calibration result (in shape of definition of the image undistortion model should be moved to ICLCore

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/io.rst, line 421.)


add references and link to the ICLGeom package and the Scene class

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/qt.rst, line 824.)


write some more here!

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/modules/utils.rst, line 490.)


Write configurable tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/tutorials/configurables.rst, line 32.)


write the RegionDetector tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/tutorials/region-detection.rst, line 6.)


Implement image filter tutorial

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/tutorials/using-filters.rst, line 6.)


Copy tutorial from website

(The original entry is located in /home/jenkins/workspace/icl-manual-8.0/icl-manual/doc/icl-manual/tutorials/using-imgbase.rst, line 6.)

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Fiducial Marker Detection