.. _rsbagexample: Recording and Replaying Simple Sine Movement ============================================ The middleware :ref:`Robotics Service Bus ` (RSB) middleware that is used by CCA, comes with a set of tools useful for debugging and developing. One example is the set of :ref:`RSBag Tools `, that can record, store and replay events of your robotics system. In our example we will use these tools to record the movement of the Oncilla robot for later replay. For this example we already recorded a sample movment. So for trying this, you just need to :ref:`install the RSBag Tools `. The recorded movement is stored in a TIDE file and can be found in your system at ``/usr/share/cca-oncilla/examples/oncilla.tide``. To see the movement, start the Remote Oncilla Interface by starting opening ``Example3.wbt`` installed by the :ref:`Oncilla Project Wizard `. Once webots is running the example, the remote interface waits for commands, that you can send by replaying the TIDE file with the following command:: bag-play /usr/share/cca-oncilla/examples/oncilla.tide socket:/ See :ref:`bag-play ` for available replay options, like selectable timing and playback strategies (eg. as fast as possible). The ``oncilla.tide`` file was previously recorded as documented in :ref:`bag-record ` while the robot simulation was performing a movement. This allows for example recording and replaying reproducable movements for experimentation.