.. _getinvolved: Get involved! ============= |project| is open-source and you are happily invited to get involved in the project. You don`t necessary have to be a C++ developer, also testing as well as contributing examples and documentation is very welcome. Development ----------- Development of |project| is organized in the AMARSi Collaboration Environment at https://redmine.amarsi-project.eu. A dedicated project for |project| containing an Issue Tracking system, the source code repository and more information can be found at: **Redmine Project** https://redmine.amarsi-project.eu/projects/oncilla-cca In case of errors or issues with the software, please create a new issue with a meaningful description at: https://redmine.amarsi-project.eu/projects/oncilla-cca/issues/new Contact ------- Contact persons for |project| are: * **Arne Nordmann**, CoR-Lab, Bielefeld University - anordman@cor-lab.uni-bielefeld.de * **Alexandre Tuleu**, BioRob Lab, EPFL