.. _ccainterface: =================== The CCA Interface =================== For a CCA application the Oncilla robot is represented by a set of resource nodes and the synchronizer. *image* Oncilla ======= |project| provides a helper that sets up the resource nodes, the synchronizer and a working default configuration of the ports. This can be used as basis for custom configurations. The configuration and the available ports are detailed in :ref:`oncilla`. Resource Nodes ============== The Resource Nodes are implemented in RCI and wrapped in CCA so that the rich proprioceptive feedback of the robot is available as data-flow on the one hand. On the other hand commands can be sent to the robot via data-flow by sending commands to the resource nodes. The actual specification of the resource nodes is described in the :ref:`liboncilla` documentation. Documentation of the CCA wrappers can be found here: #. :doc:`ccaoncillal0` - The L0 joint of Oncilla #. :doc:`ccaoncillal1l2` - The L1 and L2 joint of Oncilla #. :doc:`ccaoncillal3` - The L3 joint of Oncilla #. :doc:`ccaoncillal4` - The L4 joint of Oncilla Synchronizer ============ The CCA synchronizer component wraps the actual synchronizer and therefore cares for updating the resource nodes and synchronizing the with the robot in the timing given by the CCA application or configuration.